Darren D. Alberti

Practice Areas

  • Appellate
  • Litigation


  • Colorado

Darren D. Alberti


Phone: 303.623.1800
Email: dalberti@messner.com
Office: Denver

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Darren Alberti specializes in appellate and complex litigation. He develops argument strategies and drafts appellate briefs in both federal and state appellate courts across multiple jurisdictions, along with administrative appeals in both agency and judicial review forums. He also develops argument strategies and drafts dispositive motions, post-trial motions, and critical evidentiary motions in federal and state district courts across multiple jurisdictions.

In addition to appellate briefing and complex motions practice, Darren also develops legal strategies to inform settlement and mediation positions, litigation decisions, along with broader business and organizational decisions.

Darren’s practice is versatile and dynamic. As just a partial list, he has worked on appellate and complex litigation matters involving constitutional law, corporate law, class and collective action labor disputes, employment discrimination, administrative law and procedure, civil rights, intellectual property and patent law, natural resources, mining law, healthcare administration, medical malpractice, legal malpractice, products liability, personal injury, land use and zoning issues, public utilities and pipeline disputes, property and easement disputes, landlord-tenant disputes, and construction law. He has done so for clients including Fortune 50 corporations, governmental entities, public-private partnerships, nonprofit organizations, along with small business owners and individuals.

Darren previously worked as a Law Clerk Intern with Justice Richard Gabriel of the Colorado Supreme Court and has also taught constitutional law in underserved Denver-area high schools. Additionally, he created an acting, directing, and playwriting program at the maximum-security Denver Women’s Correctional Facility, where he has directed two stage productions performed by incarcerated women.

Darren holds a J.D. from the University of Colorado Law School and is a graduate of Georgetown University, where he was also a cornerback for the Division 1-AA football team.

  • University of Colorado Law School, J.D.
  • Georgetown University, B.A.
  • Dufford & Brown Legal Writing Award (merit scholarship awarded to highest-performing Legal Writing student in law school course section).
  • First Place, Graduate Fiction, Center of the American West, Crossing (screenplay telling a story of love and morality in the context of Mexican-U.S. immigration, based on Bruce Springsteen’s “The Line”).
  • Developed arguments and drafted appellate briefing on a precedent-setting federal preemption issue of first impression in the Nevada Supreme Court.
  • Developed arguments and co-drafted dispositive certification-stage briefing in a Fair Labor Standards Act collective action involving thousands of nationwide opt-in plaintiffs in federal district court; also developed arguments and co-drafted appellate briefing on alleged violations of federal and state labor and employment laws in federal circuit courts of appeals.
  • Re-positioned a plaintiff’s complex federal district court defamation lawsuit involving multiple faith-based entities with tens of millions of dollars in claimed damages through a bolstered 34-page amended complaint, then developed arguments and drafted opposition briefing to both anti-SLAPP and Fed. R. Civ. P. (12)(b)(6) motions to dismiss on issues implicating the First Amendment’s free speech, free exercise, and establishment clauses.
  • Developed arguments and drafted dispositive motions practice to defeat personal jurisdiction in California state court, securing client’s dismissal from a high-exposure media covered lawsuit related to a federal criminal prosecution of a co-defendant.
  • Developed arguments and drafted critical briefing in the Nevada Supreme Court and Nevada district court on a plaintiff-side product liability lawsuit with nearly $100M in claimed damages, to defeat a petition for a writ of mandamus and proceed to a media covered trial on damages after the striking of the corporate defendant’s answer as to liability for repeated discovery violations; this helped result in a significant settlement for client just days into trial.
  • Developed arguments and drafted federal district court briefing to help position potentially precedent-setting federal circuit court appeal regarding both Article III and prudential standing requirements for racial discrimination claims under section 1981 of the Civil Rights Act of 1866.
  • Developed arguments and drafted appellate briefing for numerous appeals both challenging and defending jury verdicts and new trial demands across multiple jurisdictions, along with numerous appeals on potentially precedent-setting evidentiary issues across multiple jurisdictions.
  • Developed arguments and drafted spoliation opposition briefing for Fortune 500 and Fortune 50 clients in high-exposure lawsuits across multiple jurisdictions under both federal and state law.
  • Developed arguments and co-drafted appellate briefing challenging state agency rulemaking authority under Colorado’s Administrative Procedure Act in both Colorado district court and the Colorado Court of Appeals.
  • Developed arguments and drafted dispositive motions in lawsuits across multiple jurisdictions implicating physician medical licenses and clinical privileges, along with briefing regarding physician non-compete agreements.
  • Developed extensive legal analysis and strategy regarding a corporation’s post-dissolution ability to assign intellectual property and rights of action for past patent infringements, to inform both business strategy for a prospective corporate asset acquisition along with litigation strategy post-acquisition in a federal district court patent infringement lawsuit.
  • Developed arguments and co-drafted Colorado Supreme Court brief challenging the Colorado Independent Congressional Redistricting Commission’s proposed redistricting plan and map on behalf of the Colorado Latino Leadership, Advocacy & Research Organization.
Community Involvement
  • Program Founder & Director, Scene Study Program, Denver Women’s Correctional Facility
  • Marshall-Brennan Constitutional Literacy Project, Teaching Fellow
  • Co-Leader, University of Colorado Law School’s legal aid working trip with Southeast Louisiana Legal Services
Professional Experience

Colorado Supreme Court, Law Clerk Intern to Justice Richard Gabriel

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Messner Reeves LLP
1550 Wewatta St. Suite 710
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 623-1800