Los Angeles

Los Angeles Office

10866 Wilshire Boulevard, Suite 800
Los Angeles, CA 90024
Office: 310-909-7440
Fax: 310-889-0896

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Los Angeles Office

Messner Reeves’ Los Angeles office provides legal services to clients in a number of diverse industries  ranging from entity formation and related start up activities, commercial contracts, and intellectual property protection, procurement and management to commercial and civil litigation, including, construction, insurance and contractual disputes.  Our attorneys are just as comfortable in the boardroom as they are in state and federal courts throughout the country.

At Messner Reeves, we understand business does not exist in a vacuum and we believe that in order to properly counsel our clients, we must consider related legal issues.  We draw from the breadth of our firm-wide expertise in the areas of real estate, litigation, labor & employment and corporate transactions to deliver the comprehensive service our clients demand and deserve.

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Messner Reeves LLP
1550 Wewatta St. Suite 710
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 623-1800