Messner Reeves LLP’s Denver Trial Lawyers Secure Defense Trial Victory in Medical Malpractice Case

Messner Reeves LLP is proud to announce that partner Bruce A. Montoya tried and won a defense verdict in a Colorado medical malpractice case.


Attorneys:           Bruce A. Montoya

Office:                   Denver

Venue:                 Colorado State Court

The plaintiff in this matter alleged they suffered severe burns following a laser treatment administered by the Messner Reeves’ medical service provider client. As part of the defense of this case, the firm’s attorneys had to educate the jury on the administration of complicated laser technology originally designed at Harvard Medical School.

After multiple days of testimony, including expert testimony, the jury found in favor of the defense – the laser was used appropriately and did not cause the plaintiff’s burns.

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Messner Reeves litigators partner with sophisticated corporate clients to resolve business disputes and provide representation in civil and commercial litigation. The firm’s attorneys are well versed in state and federal courts and are some of the country’s most highly regarded trial lawyers. With eleven locations, the firm is a go-to for representation in all aspects of business litigation. Learn more.

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Messner Reeves LLP
1550 Wewatta St. Suite 710
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 623-1800