New Column in MJBizDaily by Of Counsel Alyson Jaen on Colorado’s Marijuana Model

Messner Reeves LLP Of Counsel Alyson Jaen recently published an article in MJBizDaily titled “A Decade Later, is Colorado’s Regulated Marijuana Model Still a National Leader?

In the article, Alyson explains that 10 years ago, there was no model to guide state-regulated marijuana, so Colorado became the test case that other states would follow. However, a decade later, other states have been improving on Colorado’s initial framework, including embracing issues around social equity.

“So, what can other states take from the good, the bad and the ugly of Colorado cannabis? And how have declining sales in the country’s most established recreational marijuana market changed the way emerging markets are approaching cannabis regulations?” Alyson explores these points and breaks down the issues and evolution of the industry, as well as how Colorado can continue to lead the way.

Alyson Jaen is Of Counsel in Messner Reeves’ Denver office, and specializes in cannabis law, as well as corporate and real estate law. She is well-versed in the compliance issues and risks surrounding the cannabis industry, and has represented clients in front of the Colorado Marijuana Enforcement Division, the Denver Department of Excise and Licenses, and other local regulatory agencies.

Messner Reeves’ Cannabis Law practice area provides expert guidance and legal assistance to help businesses navigate the intricacies of the industry, including the ancillary businesses and investors who support it. Find out more about our Cannabis practice and how we can help your business.

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