Messner Reeves sponsors Drink Red Wear Red Fundraiser for the Colorado Restaurant Association

Messner Reeves LLP was excited to sponsor the Drink Red Wear Red fundraiser for the Colorado Restaurant Association (CRA) held on May 30, 2024 at the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

Partners Mac Joyce and R.J. Ertmer attended the event, which raised funds for the CRA Mile High Chapter Hardship Fund and the Colorado Restaurant Foundation, both of which provide emergency grants to industry workers in need.

The CRA is the voice of Colorado’s restaurant and food service industry, working to protect restaurant businesses and help them succeed. Established in 1933, the CRA is “run by restaurateurs, for restaurants.”

In addition to red-themed cocktails and signature wines, the event featured tastings from area restaurants, a silent auction and evening access to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.

Messner Reeves is a champion of entrepreneurs, and a big supporter of the restaurant and hospitality industries. We regularly counsel retail, restaurant and hospitality clients on a range of issues from financing to mergers and acquisitions to real estate, labor & employment, and so much more.

Learn more about our Retail, Restaurants & Hospitality practice.

Drink Red Wear Red

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1550 Wewatta St. Suite 710
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 623-1800