Messner Reeves LLP Participates in ABA Alternative Dispute Resolution Competition

2023-2024 ABA Regional Representation in Mediation Competition Messner Reeves LLP announces that Associate Elizabeth Salinas-Van Orman; COO & Managing Partner Michelle Harden and Paralegal Gary Turner all participated in the 2023-2024 American Bar Association (ABA) Regional Representation in Mediation Competition.

Held March 9-10 at the University of Denver Sturm College of Law, the competition consisted of two preliminary rounds and one final round, with 16 participating teams totalling 32 law students from eight law schools around the country.

Associate Elizabeth Salinas-Van Orman, the incoming Chair of the Alternative Dispute Resolution Section of the Colorado Bar Association, played a major role in the coordination of the competition, in addition to participating in both days of the event.

COO & Managing Partner Michelle Harden served as competition judges, and Paralegal Gary Turner provided indispensable support throughout the weekend.

Messner Reeves applauds the tremendous effort put forth by all of the participants, and joins the ABA in thanking the numerous attorneys and mediators who gave their time for the competition.

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Messner Reeves LLP
1550 Wewatta St. Suite 710
Denver, CO 80202
Phone: (303) 623-1800